BANTAM CHECKING CLINIC, News (Dorchester Minor Hockey Association)

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Aug 27, 2015 | Jeremy Rintjema | 1126 views
DMHA is hosting a checking clinic for Bantam aged players (2002 and 2001) on Sunday, August 30, 2015 from 10 am until 12 pm at the Flight Exec Centre.  The clinic should be considered mandatory for Bantam players who wish to try out for and/or play at the AE or BB level, and who have not received formal body checking training.

Players should arrive before 10 am for the clinic.  Off ice instruction will be provided in the first hour, followed by one hour of on-ice instruction.  Bantam coaches and trainers are invited to attend as well.  

The cost is $10 per player to cover the cost of the instructor.

Please send an email message to Jannette Magee at [email protected] by Saturday, August 29 at 10 am to confirm your attendance.