week 4 ..Last skates before Halloween !!, News, Tyke LL4, 2012-2013 (Dorchester Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 23, 2012 | mmullis | 803 views
week 4 ..Last skates before Halloween !!
Well LL4 Jets.....

First let me start by saying "Sorry" for being late to our 5:30 game....i mean 5:00pm game....LOL....and of course, THANK YOU to Coach Daryl, Jen and Steve for backing me up and getting our little ones out ready to play.

I must say, I am extremely proud of how well the team is coming together, the improvement and confidence that I, and the other coaches have seen are leaving us with a very motivating season.... We should all be PROUD.

I have a few topics to bring up and as always, am open to feedback while at the rink....


I thought I would list some thoughts going into the season....

1. Stats... personally, I am not a fan of listing "personal" stats. as mentioned from day 1, I focus on the development of each and every kid on the team, I treat each game as a learning curve and don't use the score to measure how we played.... my opinion.

2. Team Gelling... I do plan on booking 60 minutes before a few practices soon to help these kids get to know eachother. the goal for these fun games are to get the kids to know eachothers names and build a TEAM foundation.... so expect further notices in regards to that

3. Tournaments... If all goes well, and we gel well, I would like to put us in 2 Tourneys, as local as possible...
1 Tourney for sure, (those mini stick games and lunches in between games really build relationships, teamwork and memories)

4. Raffle tickets... REMINDER to sell your raffle tickets before November 1.  The raffle stubs can be placed in the black pad locked box on the mural wall at the arena.

5. Name Bars... if anyone still needs a name bar, please email ME and Christine [email protected] to order.

6. Photo day... is on November 10th.  Times TBA.

Well I will see you at our game Saturday at 12:30pm..... I promise I will be there at 11:45, in case anyone wants to chat :)

Go JETS !!!!

with Respect,
Coach Mike