New Restrictions as of October 24th, News (Dorchester Minor Hockey Association)

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Oct 23, 2020 | Katie Haasen | 1545 views
New Restrictions as of October 24th
We have now received the new updates to our ice guidelines from the health unit and Thames Centre. DMHA can continue practicing in our groups with a maximum of 25 people on the ice. The change is that our groups must now be split into two groups on the ice, with no more than 12 players and up to 3 coaches/bench staff per side.  Each group must remain in their end/side of the ice for the entire practice. Each of the groups created for each ice session are to be in one dressing room together for that ice time.  Groups can be split differently for each ice session. Bubbles of 25 will be the same, but how those players are divided for each ice session can change.

The two groups must be divided on the ice by a distance of 3m and must stay in their end of the ice for all drills. The arena staff will be using the black barrier pads at the red line and if requested, the half ice boards can be used. Please see the attached diagram which illustrates this division. Thames Centre staff has also stated that the ice may be split lengthwise for purposes of full ice-skating drills. When this is done, each group must stay on their assigned lengthwise side of the ice with a distance of 3m between the groups. Please see the attached diagram which illustrates this division.


After today’s discussion with the local health unit, it was emphasized that there is to be NO CONTACT. It will be important to review this rule with all of your players. While in line ups for drills, players need to maintain adequate distance between each other as well as during all other on ice activities.   


Scrimmage play is permitted between the groups of 12 players, with a maximum of 4 skaters plus a goalie on the ice for each team and strict physical distancing on each bench at all times. 


We want to thank each of you, your players, and our coaches for doing a great job thus far in adhering to the guidelines. We need to ensure that we continue with strict compliance of our existing return to play plan and Thames Centre’s user guidelines (updated restrictions attached) to avoid any complaints, fines, or shut downs. Please review these changes and the importance of following them at all times with your child/children. As always, please reach out if there are any questions and/or concerns.

We will update you as we continue working through this unpredictable and ever-changing process. We would like to thank everyone for your patience during these challenging times.



DMHA Executive

New Restrictions
Ice rink layout
Ice rink layout 2
