Sep 08, 2019 | mgibson | 1387 views
Sunday Sept 8 - Roster Update
continuing in the Midget BB tryout process are listed below. Next game is Monday Sept 9th @ 9pm in Dorchester. Players not on the list, thank you for a fantastic effort.
Nick Andrews
Jacob Blay
Mason Brown
Ryan Doyle
Harrison Deucett-Forget
Lucas Fewster *
Ryan Fewster
Chris Gibson
Bryce Gnidec *
Aiden Good
Cole Hardie
Sam Hornick
Tanner Hutchinson
Jonathon Ledgley
Derek Lucas
Brian McLaren
Cam Norton *
Jaxon Reading
Trent Patterson *
Mitch Robertson *
Logan Smith *
Noah Van Berkel
Cole Webster
Trevor Whitesell *
All players with an * beside their name will Not be playing in Monday's game vs North Middlesex. I appreciate the great effort everyone gave.
Mike Gibson