Introduction to the 2019-2020 Jr. IP Hockey Season, News, Jr. IP 1 (Black), U6, 2019-2020 (Dorchester Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2019-2020 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 15, 2019 | Jennifer Coghlin | 517 views
Introduction to the 2019-2020 Jr. IP Hockey Season
Hi everyone.  

As the summer is quickly coming to a close, and we will slowly start to get back into routines, it's time to start thinking about getting back to the rink for the 2019-2020 hockey season! 

My name is Jennifer Coghlin and I am the DMHA Vice President - Hockey Operations.  My role has oversight of the programming for all divisions below Novice.  This includes Mite, Jr. IP, Sr. IP and Minor Novice (formally Tyke) age groups.  

Although we are still finalizing some of the season details, I have included some initial information below. 

*NEW FOR THIS SEASON* - Jr. Initiation Program Coordinator
The Jr. IP Program Coordinator for the 2019-2020 season will be Stephanie Sweetland.  You can expect to hear from Stephanie on a pretty regular basis throughout the hockey season.  

Season Details: 
Start Date: Saturday, September 28th, 2019    
Ice Times:  Two 50 minute ice times per week.   Saturdays at  9:00am and Sundays at 8:00am.  Both ice times will be on the South ice pad.   
Program Format:  We will continue with the same format as in past years.  Mike Cormier will be back this season to run our Jr. IP program with the assistance of on-ice parent volunteers.  As a bit of background, Mike Cormier originally developed, managed and coached the (former) Jr. Tyke program in Dorchester for over 10 years and since then has been running his own skating and hockey clinics in Dorchester.  We saw great improvements in the skating abilities of the players last several years. 

DMHA has also implemented the Ontario Minor Hockey Associations Below Novice Programming.  More information about this program can be found here: 
More information about the Mite Program can be found on the DMHA website here: 

Respect In Sport - this is a program that the Ontario Minor Hockey Association has mandated for all families.  One parent per family is required to complete an online course before for November 1st.  Reports on parent completion are received regularly.  The Jr. Initiation Program Coordinator will be sending emails early in the season to remind you that youre child will not be permitted on the ice after November 1st if the module is not completed.  All the details can be found at:  Please note, if you have previously completed the Respect In Sport module, you do not have to do it again.  Parents completing the RIS course will need their own profile.  Please do not complete the course under a child's profile.  

Parent Meeting - Parent meetings for the Jr. IP group will be held on Wednesday, September 18th and Wednesday, September 25th, both at 7:00pm, in the Flight Exec Centre Blue Line Room.  You are expected to attend ONE of these meetings.   At this meeting we will cover off the details on the season, equipment, tournaments, roles and volunteer opportunities for parents, etc.  If you have any questions it would be great to email them to me prior to this meeting so that I can answer them at the meeting.  I'm sure if you are wondering, so are other people. 

Looking forward to a great season and lots of fun for the kids this year.  If you have any comments or questions, please reach out. 

Jennifer Coghlin
Vice President - Hockey Operations
Initiation Program Coordinator
Dorchester Minor Hockey
p:  519-268-8757
e:  [email protected]
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