Sep 11, 2018 | mleal | 2032 views
2018/19 Bantam BB Final Roster
Once again I would like to thank all of you who participated in the tryout process, making these decisions very difficult. For those that are listed below, your next ice time with be Thurs Sept 13th at 7:30 pm as a member of this years Bantam BB team. All others are asked to attend the initial Bantam AE tryout on Wed Sept 12th at 7:30 pm. Wishing everyone a successful season.
2018/19 Bantam BB Team Members
Ashby, K
Carrothers, A
Caton, B
Clark, N
Curry, C
Hardeman, J
Hutcheson, T
Johnston, D
Kipp, O
Leal, A
O'Brien, J
Prince, C
Robertson, M
VanBerkel, N
White, G
Willsie, J
Looking forward to beginning this season Thurs.
Coach Mike