Sep 14, 2017 | mleal | 1003 views
Bantam AE Tryout Update
Thank you to all of those that have participated so far in the tryout process. A tremendous effort and desire has been shown by everyone. The following list of players are invited to continue with the tryout process. They will be participating in an exhibition game this Sat at 2:30pm in Dorchester. Please arrive 45 min before game time with running shoes, shorts, and a t shirt for a pregame warm up. Those names marked with an * will not be dressing for the game, however they are encouraged to attend. For all others not on the list I wish you continued success in your 2017/18 hockey season.
Ashby K.
Bisschop J.
Carrothers A.
Currah A.
Curry C. *
Dowhaniuk B.
Egan B.
English W. *
Fewster R.
Good A. *
Krutis S.
Lynch O.
McLellan E. *
O'Brien J.
Robertson M.
Smith G. *
VanBerkel N.
White G.
Leal A.
Reading J.
Thank you,