Sep 12, 2016 | dcandy | 2936 views
Final Roster
Thanks to everyone who tried out. The kids made it really tough on the evaluators. We will have a very strong AE team in Dorchester this year.
I am excited about our upcoming season. We will be having a team meeting, most likely Wednesday night at 7:30. Please monitor this website for confirmation. I will need at least one parent in attendance for the meeting. I apologize for the short notice.
This is the Atom BB Roster for 2016-2017:
Tyson Currah
Luke Norton
Terry Kummer
Matthew Rodenburg
Michael Walsh
Nolan Candy
Carson Thomas
Wade Devine
Jeremy Couch
Sam Willsie
Jacob Delaney
Sheldon Geerts
Colby Baigent
Connor Zavitz
Zach Irvin