PLAYOFF POSTGAME - GAME #1, News, Novice LL2, U9, 2014-2015 (Dorchester Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 08, 2015 | nreintjes | 634 views
Game #1 of the playoffs turned out to be a heated exchange of quality Novice hockey that was full of action for the teams and the fans. Seeing as the DRAGONS have never played Mt. Brydges before, we weren't sure what to expect or anticipate. What came out of today's game was an intense display of talent and dedication. It was some very tight competition.  

The game started rather late due to injury time in the Atom BB game that was before us. Our game was to start at 2:30pm, but by the time we got on the ice it was nearly 3:00 pm. The kids were dressed by 2:00. By 3:00 they were already nice and sweaty in their hockey gear and had not even set blade on the ice yet.

The puck dropped and the DRAGONS took immediate possession. We were on the Cougars like a hobo on a ham sandwich! A few minutes into the first period I decided to venture up the often freezing cold stands and assume the position. I looked up and could not believe the crowd. The parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends had come out in droves to take in the red hot playoff action. It took the DRAGONS nearly the entire first period to figure out this team and most of this period was spent in the Cougar’s end. There were three times that the Cougars made it into our zone but were shut out by Matthew’s swift hands and leopard-like speed. By the end of the first, neither team had scored. Coaches Tom and Adam had a quick 90 second chat with the kids while the trainers, Mark and Jeremy checked the kids’ equipment and their trusty first aid kids. The huddle broke and we moved into the second.

As in the first period, the DRAGONS took the puck from the drop and moved it into the Cougar’s end in an instant. Both teams had a better understanding of each other and the play was not dominantly in the Cougar’s for the entire period. The Cougar’s actually got some great breaks. One of these happened at 8:49 when one Cougar made her way toward Matthew and was able to slip it past him. Playoff game #1 and the DRAGONS are down 1-0 in the second. I will admit that my heart sank a little but there was no evidence that the kids felt the same way. They all lined up and played as if nothing had happened. The puck finds itself in our zone and defenseman Mike Walsh did not like that. Although on defense, Mike put his blade on the puck and goes end to end like he has done many times before. At 7:52, Mike ties up the game with a top shelf blast from the hash marks. There were a few other chances in the second but the score remained tied as the puck was either saved or hit the post (or the ref made his own decisions for us; Aylmer all over again, eh parents?).

The third was the same as the first although no goals were scored. Both teams played their little hearts out and came off the ice after clearly having a good time. With one game down, we move onto game #2 in Mt. Brydges' barn on Tuesday February 10, 2015 @ 6:00pm.

Get your game hats on fans because you are in for a great playoff series from your very own DORCHESTER DRAGONS!

GO DRAGONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!