EXTINGUISHED!!!!, News, Novice LL2, U9, 2014-2015 (Dorchester Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 24, 2015 | nreintjes | 519 views
Anyone following the DRAGONS knows the importance of today's game. In case you 're just tuning in, the DRAGONS needed to win today's game in order to clench a definite playoff spot in the league. A win would put us in second place by one point, a tie would have tied us for second and a loss, well, it would have possibly knocked us out.

The first time the DRAGONS went head-to-head against Aylmer Flames LL1 was November 9, 2014 at 1:15 pm. That was a long time ago. This game was in their barn and we lost. All of the shots that hit the post and the goal that got called off is in the past and it really doesn't matter.... we lost that game! This put us in very close competition for the rest of the season against Aylmer LL1 to see who would finish in second place in the regular season standings.

Today, the kids entered our commonly assigned dressing room (#7), one by one, about an hour before the game. The tunes were cranked and there were some seriously pumped up kids in there. We danced, we laughed and we talked about kid stuff..... until..... it was time. The tunes were turned off, the players were dressed and then they were seated, side by side, on the longest bench in the room. Coach Tom begins his speech and all the kids are attentive. They get their line up, but not until after they hear some fine words from the coach. They hear they are awesome! They hear they must strive to have fun out there! They hear they can do it! They hear they must work their hardest out there! They hear we are proud of them! They cheer "DRAGONS" and out they head out to the ice!

The parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and other various fans have taken their seats. The DRAGONS fly onto the ice begin their warm up. Very indicative of how the game will play out, the warm up was absolutely in-sync and very disciplined. GOOD SIGN!

The kids shake hands; shake the coaches hands; and line up! The puck drops and the DRAGONS take immediate possession. The DRAGONS' determination and adrenaline are overtly obvious! The puck is in the Flames zone in an instant and in the hands of the DRAGONS who are set up in in perfect position. In front of the net, Mighty Molly gets the drop to Ian. Ian sinks the first goal of the game at 9:39. Twenty-one seconds in and we are up one. Twenty three seconds later, Fabulous Fisher takes a hard and on the blade pass from Wade and wraps it around the net, to set the score at 2-0 DRAGONS. The fans are on their feet for this one! The face off happens again and the puck makes it's way to defensemen Mega Mike. This is NOT what the Flames needs at this point. Living up to his previously demonstrated expectations, Mike goes coast to coast and nets the DRAGONS a top shelf blaster only 49 seconds after the last DRAGONS goal! We are only 1 minute and 33 seconds into the 1st period and the score is 3-0 DRAGONS! The coaches were heard, the kids actually listened! The kids were determined. The DRAGONS want it! It doesn't stop here though. The Flame was not only put out in the next 5 minutes but actually 100% doused! The DRAGONS go on to score 3 more goals; Mike Walsh at 6:33; Matthew McCague at 4:14 and Fisher Blair at 2:54. Assists to the last three goals were Ian, Molly and Wade. The Flames come back to get one goal near the end, making the final score of the first period 6-1 DRAGONS. Impressive!

In the second period we could see the adrenaline had worn off and the play had slowed. The DRAGONS toned-er-down this period knowing they have a significant lead. BUT....they did not lay off too much! Halfway through the second, Matthew M. scores his second of the game with a backhand top left shelf blast that leaves the goalie looking for the puck. The Flames answer with one.

Opening the third and final period of the game, the score sits at 7-2. The fans have stopped experiencing heart palpitations and have also stopped the anxiety ridden display of sitting on the edge of our seats, pacing erratically and biting our nails. The bench staff looks much more relaxed. Rather than 15 minutes, the clock was bumped to 20:00 this period and we saw nothing but back and forth action for more than 10 minutes of it. Nearing the halfway mark, Mike scored another goal for the DRAGONS and secured himself a hat trick (which he, funnily enough, promised me in the dressing room before the game!). Near the end of the period, the Flames got one more great goal but the time ran out and the buzzer sounded.

At the buzzer that marks the end of the game, the DRAGONS went bananas; the fans were on their feet and the bench staff rejoiced! On we go DRAGONS..... on we go! ON WE GO!