TOURNAMENT #2 OF THE YEAR!, News, Novice LL2, U9, 2014-2015 (Dorchester Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 03, 2015 | nreintjes | 371 views
Between 8:00 am and 2:30 the DRAGONS played 3 games. I'd say we did very well!

Game #1 was against Embro who has a record of 19-1-0 this season. As expected, this was our toughest game and a game that knocked one of the two highest seeded teams in this tournament!
The play was intense but the fans even more so. Embro was first on the board with 2 beautiful goals in the first. Lots of chances by the DRAGONS this period but all were skillfully saved. The second period was when the DRAGONS turned up the heat. After another goal scored by Embro this period and down 3-0, the DRAGONS rung in two back to back shots bringing the score to 3-2 for Embro. The third was a period of back and forth hockey and both teams felt the pressure. Only one more goal for us would have tied it but a late period goal by Embro put us down by two with little hope of coming back this late in the game. Of the two best teams in the tournament, it was sadly the DRAGONS who were defeated 4-2.  
Game #2, same rink, this time against the hosting team, the Aylmer Flames! In this game, 8 out of our 10 skaters worked their hardest to get the DRAGONS a point. It wasn't until the last 5 minutes of the first period that the DRAGONS shook the cobwebs out of their helmets. The first goal of game for the DRAGONS came at 4:56. In the next 96 seconds we blasted in 2 more heaters bringing the score to 3-0 DRAGONS by the end of the first. The second period racked in 2 more goals for the DRAGONS and 1 for Aylmer. Starting the third with a leading score of 5-1 for the DRAGONS allowed us to turn the thermostat down a bit to save some energy for the final game. One little DRAGON was able to get another in this period but that was enough for us to win the game and advance to the consolation finals at 2:30.
Expecting a difficult "championship" game proved to be our least challenging game of the tournament. We faced East Lambton. Some questioned where East Lambton is; all I could say is that is was just East, or to the right of, West Lambton! In this consolation final, the first period treated the fans to a total of 6 goals; 4 for the DRAGONS and 2 for East Lambton. That was the end of East Lambton's goal scoring trickery; but not the DRAGONS'. We hammered in one more goal in the second and two more in the third. 7-2 DRAGONS for a medal. Must say, the kids were thrilled with their shiny hardware!
The kids got up very early, played their hearts out and had a great time.