Sep 03, 2014 | emmccluskey | 815 views
Roster Update
Congratulations to all skaters as the selection process has been difficult thus far as there has been a tremendous amount of skill and talent displayed on ice over the last two skates.
The following players will be moving forward in the selection process:
Colby Baigent
Justin Barnes
Nolan Candy
Jeremy Couch
Wade Devine
Zach DosSantos
Oven Gray
Grant Hallman
Terry Kumer
Tyler Libby
Ben Luksys
Matthew McCague
Carter McCluskey
Luke Norton
Matthew Rodenberg
Camryn Ryall
Mavin Smith
Bryce Steinmann
Julian Stubgen
Carson Thomas
Sam Willsie
Lucas Wilson
Connor Zavitz
All players above should arrive at the arena tomorrow night for our game against Tillsonburg at 5:45 pm, but due to numbers the following skaters will not dress and attendance is optional:
Nolan Candy
Owen Gray
Carter McCluskey
Luke Norton
Julien Stubgen
Lucas Wilson
Good luck to all players not moving forward in the selection process and I wish all of you a successful 2014 Hockey season!