Oct 01, 2012 | mmullis | 1008 views
Week 2 .... Happy Thanksgiving
Well lil Jets..... we made it through week 1..... Let me start by saying THANK YOU to all the parents, I feel there is a great and POSITIVE synergy in our dressing room, and in my opinion, that is a WINNING foundation :)
This coming weekend we only have 1 skate due to Thanksgiving (gobble gobble).
So Saturday we have a practice at 2:30..... this way our little ones can enjoy the parade at 10am have lunch, a good Hockey skate, and then on to a "Thankful" weekend with Family :)
Well Team, see you on Saturday !!!
Michael Mullis
Sorry about the picture, I tried taking it while the kids were waving at the parents....
I will get better...LOL