Submit New Ad, Classifieds (Dorchester Minor Hockey Association)

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If you have access to the Control Panel, we recommend that you login to the website first.
  1. select
  2. A short name to describe the item (limit 100 characters).
  3. A quick description, including brand names / model numbers if appropriate. (limit 200 characters).
  4. The approximate price for the item, if applicable. Also the name of the person to contact, and if necessary their phone number and/or email address. (limit 200 characters).
  5. We need to know who submitted this item. This name does not show up on the website.
  6. An email will be sent to the address above containing a link back to this listing. Using that link, you will be able to add pictures of this item and more details about it.
  7. The online classifieds are provided by this association as a free service for its members. By clicking the submit button below, you are agreeing that you are a member in good standing of the association; that you will not use this service for commercial purposes; that the ad submitted is relevant to the classifieds group which you are adding it; and that the ad submitted does not contain any inappropriate language and/or images. You are also agreeing that the association will be permitted to take any actions it deems appropriate for mis-use of this service, including, but not limited to, expulsion from the association.
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