DMHA Golf Tournament, News (Dorchester Minor Hockey Association)

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Jul 29, 2022 | Katie Haasen | 1064 views
DMHA Golf Tournament
The DMHA and Dorchester Dolphins are again co-hosting a golf tournament on September 23, 2022. The start time is 1pm. 

The cost is $150 per golfer which includes golf, a cart, lunch on the course, dinner and entry into individual hole contests. 

To book, contact:

Ian McDonald- (226) 921-1623 or [email protected] or
Chris Willsie- (519) 808-01111 or [email protected]

You can also sponsor a hole for $300 or purchase a foursome for golf and hole sponsorship for $800.

We appreciate your support and look forward to a great day of fun and golf!