DMHA Photo Day, News (Dorchester Minor Hockey Association)

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Mar 22, 2022 | Katie Haasen | 981 views
DMHA Photo Day
Alright hockey fans, this Saturday March 26th is Dorchester Dragons Photo Day! Make up day is Saturday, April 9th from 9:00am-11:30am. Come anytime during that time frame. 

This season, we will be shooting INDIVIDUAL photos for all players in the North Lobby of the arena.  Your player is to come dressed in UPPER BODY gear, meaning they should be in jersey, gloves, stick and shoulder pads and pants.  No need for skatesor helmets.  Goalies can bring pads to PLACE on their legs to give the illusion that they are wearing them … but we only see the top part!

Parents will NEED to complete the attached Order Form even if they do not buy anything.  This helps us track photos.  It will be important that parents indicate the AGE, TEAM and COACH if possible to allow us to place the player on the correct team. For those ordering individual photos, please fill out the Order Form and indicate the pose and background they wish for individual photo purchases. 

As far as team photos go, we will produce one FREE 5x7 team photo for each player photographed.  We also photograph coaches too … so the number of heads in the team photo will be the number of prints produced.  Some teams have helpers too … so they will also need to be photographed.

Important to note, this year's team photos will be created using the individual photos!  So, even if you are not interested in individuals to order, please have a photo taken so you are included in the team photo! 


The photo schedule will be as follows:

7:20 am U5 BLUE and U5 WHITE

7:40 am U9 BB and U13 LL2

8:00 am U6 BLACK and U6 WHITE

8:20 am U7 RED and U7 BLUE

8:40 am U11 AE

9:00 am U11 LL2

9:20 am U11 LL1

9:40 am U11 BB

10:00 am U8 A

10:20 am U8 B and U8 C

10:40 am U15 LL2

11:00 am U13 BB

11:20 am U13 AE

11:40 am U13 LL1

12:00 pm U15 BB

12:20 pm U15 AE

12:40 pm U15 LL1

1:00 pm U9 LL1

1:20 pm All U18 interested 


This season, it is also perfectly fine for parents with multiple hockey players to bring them at the same time to help them be more efficient!  We can also do sibling photos which look great if parents have more than one hockey player!


As most of our teams have Jersey Carriers, please ensure you bring and hand out your preferred jersey (white vs red) for the team to slip on prior to photos!
Some teams are scheduled for games out of town, please note we are doing our best to get you in, within good timing PRIOR to leaving for your games!  
For those that are unable to make Dragons Photo Day, there will be a make-up date scheduled at the studio on another date, yet to be determined.
Bring your amazing smiles! If need you to contact me, please do so through the website under my name: here
Trish Gordon
DMHA Photo Day Coordinator