DMHA Updates, News (Dorchester Minor Hockey Association)

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Dec 18, 2021 | Katie Haasen | 926 views
DMHA Updates
The Ontario government announced further safety measures and capacity limits that take effect on Sunday December 19th at 12:01am. At this time, hockey remains the same with no additional measures that impact the participation in the sport itself.  All scheduled games and practices will proceed as scheduled. 

However, we are monitoring the information from OMHA, the leagues and public health, and may need to make changes quickly. Everyone should monitor the website and email communications closely. 

In addition, everyone should follow public health guidelines closely. If a person has any symptoms or is a close contact of anyone who has tested positive, that person should not go to any arena for hockey. If any parents feel uncomfortable about their player coming to hockey, we fully understand. The parent should tell the team’s coach as soon as possible so the coach can plan appropriately.

Please be aware that starting on January 4th, 2022, you will be required to use the scannable QR code to show proof of vaccination when entering the arena. 