As you know, volunteers are the backbone to minor sports. Dorchester Minor Hockey Association has been fortunate to have many long-term volunteers serve on the executive. They have devoted many hours to the Dorchester Minor Hockey Association to ensure players are offered a quality hockey program. We have a number of executive members who have put in their time and will not be returning to the board for the 2022-2023 season. We are so thankful and appreciative for the time and energy they volunteered to our community.
New executive members are voted in during the AGM; however, because we know we have a large number of executive members not returning, we are being proactive in seeking new members. We would love to find interested individuals who could spend some time for the remainder of the season shadowing the positions in order to learn the new roles. The following positions need to be filled for next season:
· President
· First Vice-President: Finance and Fundraising
· Treasurer
· Registrar
· OMHA representative
· Shamrock representative
· Local League representative
· Equipment Manager
A description of each position can be found on our website: HERE (pages 5-8)
If you are interested or have any questions, please email [email protected]. We thank you in advance for considering volunteering with DMHA.