The health
screening forms are available from the website's top menu. On a computer,
you’ll find it in the menu bar under the Dragons Logo. On mobile, it is accessible
under "Menu" near the top at the right side. The drop-down tab is
labelled, "Health Screening". Select your group/coach’s name and
complete the form.
Please bookmark the link on your phones and/or computer: cut & paste in your team's link, find it on the website
The online form is to be used the same as the paper forms would have:
- A form is required for each person entering the arena, for each event. Player, coach, DMHA board member, spectator. Please complete each form the day of the scheduled ice time and not in advance. Everyone, every time.
- Form submission sends an email from the website to team officials for tracking. Your coach and Group COVID Manager will receive emails with the responses as the forms are entered. In this way they will confirm a questionnaire has been filled out for each person entering.
- MOST IMPORTANT is an obvious reminder. If you, or anyone in your household, is showing symptoms or awaiting a COVID-19 test result, DO NOT COME TO THE ARENA. If you answer “yes” to one or more questions, DO NOT COME TO THE ARENA. Please advise your team representative (coach or manager) in this situation.