Jul 14, 2020 | Katie Haasen | 1011 views
REMINDER: 2020-2021 Pre-Registration NOW OPEN
In order to continue to prepare for a return to hockey, when that becomes possible, it is necessary to determine registration numbers. To do this, we have opened our registration. Register
here. Please note the OHF has suspended fee collections until a hockey start date is known; therefore, no fees will be collected until hockey has a defined start date. Once this date is determined and once more season details are known, registration fees and a payment plan will be set and soon thereafter collected. For more details and updates regarding registration for the 2020-2021 season, be sure to check out our DMHA website and also our social media pages by following @ Dorchester Minor Hockey. We appreciate your flexibility during these unknown and unprecedented times.If you have any questions or concerns, we ask that you please submit them via our website feedback tab here. We will gather all of our questions and create a Frequently Asked Questions page in an attempt to help others with their concerns.