Bond Positions Available, News (Dorchester Minor Hockey Association)

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Jul 24, 2019 | Katie Haasen | 946 views
Bond Positions Available
Looking to complete your bond early in the season? We have a few jobs we are looking to fill immediately! 

1. We are seeking individuals to serve on our Tournament Committee. DMHA’s Local League Tournament is taking place on November 22 - 24, 2019 and our tournament chair is seeking additional committee members. If you are interested, please contact Pam Lynch at [email protected].

2. DMHA is also seeking someone to fulfill the bond position of Sponsorship Coordinator.  We are hoping to increase our association’s sponsors and we need an individual who would be willing to take the lead on this. If this sounds like something you would like to do for your 2019-2020 bond, please contact [email protected].

3. Finally, we are looking to fill the bond position of Photo Coordinator. This involves setting up our association’s photo day. If this is of interest to you, please email [email protected].