Aug 09, 2017 | Jeremy Rintjema | 1653 views
The final month of planning and preparation for the upcoming
2017-18 hockey season is well under way. The association is seeking
volunteers to fill some key roles that remain vacant. Please consider
whether you can help our players have a successful season by
volunteering for one of the following positions:
Midget AE Head Coach - this role involves managing the selection of players and bench staff, and leading the Midget AE team during the season.
DMHA Vice-President - the VP participates in the executive decision making, manages police records checks and annual coach and manager meetings and sits on the coach selection committee.
Fundraising Chair/Committee - the fundraising committee develops and implements fundraising ideas in order to generate revenue for the association. Past fundraising efforts have included golf tournaments, dances, clothing and craft sales and other initiatives. New ideas are welcome!
Gate Funds Coordinator - this person works with the gate staff coordinator and gate staff to ensure that floats are available and that gate proceeds are accounted for and remitted to the association.
Development Chair - this position involves planning and executing player and coach development programs for the association (ideally with the support of a committee), including skill development (ie. power skating, goalie, etc) and training programs.
If you have any questions about these or any other volunteer opportunities, or wish to offer to help, please contact any member of the DMHA executive.