Interested in Becoming a Hockey Referee?, News (Dorchester Minor Hockey Association)

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Mar 03, 2017 | Jeremy Rintjema | 1078 views
Interested in Becoming a Hockey Referee?
The message below is from the Middlesex Centre referees Association, which provides officials for DMHA games in Dorchester:

Anyone who is 15 years of age or older (as of December 31/2017) and interested in becoming an official with the Middlesex Centre Referee’s Association can contact [email protected] to find out more details. 

For more information regarding certification within the OMHA, please visit the OMHA Referee Page. The new referee clinics are not typically posted until late August, early September.  However, the 3 day clinic in Guelph or Windsor is highly recommended.

Refereeing offers very good pay compensation in comparison to other part time jobs, which offsets the start-up costs rather quickly.