Volunteers Needed, News (Dorchester Minor Hockey Association)

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Aug 26, 2024 | Katie Haasen | 509 views
Volunteers Needed
As we approach the start of a new season, we are reminded of the importance of volunteers that help our hockey program run smoothly both on and off the ice. We are appreciative to all our coaches, assistant coaches, trainers, managers, on ice helpers and other bench staff already in roles and beginning to plan for a successful season on the ice.
Planning off the ice are our executive members and committee leads. These individuals are just as valuable to ensure our programs run smoothly. That being said, we are looking to fill some important roles to help us operate this season. Please review below the list of executive positions and committee leads we are currently looking to fill.

Committee Leads

Yellow Ticket Coordinators: 2 bond positions available. These individuals are responsible for organizing and distributing the yellow tickets to our association. Yellow tickets are fundraising booklets that are purchased at the time of registration. Each family gets one booklet. For families with multiple children, the booklet is handed to the oldest player in the family. The coordinators will get a list of families from our registrar and will organize the booklets to be given to each team. The coordinators will give team managers their team’s booklets for distribution.


Photo Day Coordinator: One double (full family) bond available. This individual will work to secure a photography company to do our team and individual photos. This individual will organize the photo day, including the schedule. This individual will plan the communication and schedule to be sent to the teams. This individual, along with some photo day helpers, will be present at the photo day to ensure things run smoothly. This individual will pick up the photos from the photography company. This individual will give each team manager their team’s photos for distribution. 


Social Media Coordinator:  One double (full family) bond available. This individual will work with the secretary and other executive members to create graphics as needed to advertise and share important events and information to the association. Their creative designs will be given to the secretary who will handle posting them and/or emailing them to the association’s social media pages and email distribution list.

Executive Positions 

Vice President 2: Risk Management: One double (full family) bond available. This individual is responsible for attending monthly executive boards meetings. The list of other duties are outlined below:

·         Shall, in conjunction with the president, manage and supervise the training and certification of all DMHA coaches, trainers and volunteers.

·         Shall receive and maintain all criminal record checks for coaches and team staff.

·         Shall serve as Chair of the Discipline Committee, whose members will be appointed by the executive and shall include the Shamrock and Local League representatives.

·         Shall perform any other duties assigned by the President or the executive.

·          Shall serve on other committees as required.


Vice President 3: Hockey Operations: This bond position will start by shadowing the current board member in the position which will eventually transition into full implementation. This is a double (full family bond). This individual is responsible for attending monthly executive boards meetings. The list of other duties are outlined below:

·         Shall, in conjunction with the President, manage and supervise the Shamrock, Local League and Initiation Programs within DMHA.

·         Shall sit on the coaches selection committee as a non-voting member.

·         Shall chair the annual coaches` and managers` meetings.

·         Shall perform any other duties assigned by the President or the executive.

·         Shall serve on other committees as required.


We thank you in advance for your consideration in these positions. If you are interested, or would like more information, please email DMHA’s secretary, Katie Haasen at [email protected].
