DMHA Accepting Non-Resident Players for Rep/A Tryouts, News (Dorchester Minor Hockey Association)

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Mar 26, 2024 | Katie Haasen | 1414 views
DMHA Accepting Non-Resident Players for Rep/A Tryouts
Dorchester Minor Hockey Association (DMHA) will accept Non-Resident Players (including goalies) at the U12, U13, U14, U15, U16 or U18 divisions wishing to try out for DMHA teams with an OMHA ‘A’ classification, as per OMHA regulations. A player at the U10 or U11 age/division is not eligible for a NRP passport.

Players are required to have an OMHA approved Non-Resident Player (NRP) passport and submit a birth certificate copy to attend tryouts. To obtain a NRP passport, players/parents should contact their home centre OMHA representative. Players seeking a NRP passport must first be registered with their home centre. Non-Resident Player Selection will be at the head coach’s discretion. 

Non-Resident Players (NRP's) wishing to try out for any DMHA Rep/A team (U12-U18) must: 

1) Register with their home association and obtain an NRP Passport. 
2) Register for tryouts with DMHA by completing the NRP Registration form. 
3) Pay the tryout fee; $75 by April 28th by e-transfer ([email protected]), or $100 at-the-door in cash. 

Please include player name and birth year with e-transfer. If you have any questions regarding NRP's please contract Jen at 519-871-0012 or [email protected]