General Information, Tyke Select Tournament, 2011-2012 (Dorchester Minor Hockey Association)

This Tournament is part of the 2011-2012 season, which is not set as the current season.
PrintGeneral Information

2011-2012 Dorchester Tyke Select Tournament
(2004 birth year or lower) 

December 28 and 29, 2011

 Medals for all teams!

 This is a Select Tournament. Minor novice Alliance teams accepted.

Cost is $775 per team.
Please make Cheques payable to Dorchester Tyke Select.

Schedules will be sent out 2 weeks before the tournament begins.
Please ensure you send your teams approved roster ASAP.

Registration forms, cheques and rosters can be sent to:

Todd Smith
167 Forest Grove Crescent,
Dorchester, ON, N0L 1G3

Non-OMHA teams (Alliance, GTHL etc) will be required to provide a Travel Permit from their Association.


 Please contact Todd Smith at [email protected] or 519-202-0058 for more information.

Dorchester Tyke Select Tournament Registration Form 2011.doc